英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:24:33
  • 英英释义

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1. a pass that allows you to board a ship or plane

Synonym: boarding pass

1. boarding card的意思

1. 登机牌:也许由于飞机只是在曼谷中停一下,在下飞机的时候,在廊桥上还有人专门查看你的登机牌(boarding card),千万不要丢了,本人差点给扔了,还好lp顺手都给装在随身带的包里.

2. 登机卡:1、 在乘坐的航空公司柜台处办理机手续领取登机卡 (Boarding Card) 和托运行李;2、 填写出境卡 (Outgoing Passenger Card)主要内容:名字,姓名,护照号码,国籍,出生地,出生年月日,性别,在澳洲停留时间,主要停留地,居住国,职业,航班号,

3. 登机证:登机门号码 Gate Number | 登机证 Boarding Card | 机场税 Airport Tax

4. boarding card在线翻译

4. 乘车证:boarder 寄膳者 | boarding card 乘车证 | boarding house 公寓

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Could you help me check whether could I catch up my next flight? This is our boarding card. Thank you.(你能帮我查一下我赶的上我下班飞机吗?这个是我的登记牌(温哥华到多伦多的,没用过的那张))
Please have your boarding card ready.(请把您的登记卡准备好。)
Our company will provide lodging and boarding for the aforesaid personnel. Please carry your id card, diploma and other relevant personal materials for interview.(以上人员公司均包食宿,应聘时携带好自己身份证、学历证等相关个人资料前来面试。)
The information of the boarding, alighting and transfer points of the bus IC card passengers is the key for getting the dynamic transit passenger OD.(公交IC卡使用乘客的上、下车站点以及换乘站点信息是获取动态公交客流的核心与关键内容。)
No, you missed it. You need to re-take other boarding card. Please follow me to this line to get a new boarding card.(你们能赶上,让我帮你们把行李放在传送带上,然后你们可以去登记口了。)
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